Dick Gossip's

A reel in the key of D

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for Dick Gossip's
Sometimes played with the parts in the opposite order
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to loop and slow down sections so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for Dick Gossip's
X:966 T:Dick Gossip's T:Castle Reel, The R:reel H:Sometimes played with the parts in the opposite order Z:id:hn-reel-52 M:C| K:D
F2AF GFED|F2AF GFED|~E3F GFED|~E3F GFED| F2AF GFED|F2AF GFED|ABde fgec|1 dfec dBAG:|2 dfec d2ef|| |:gB~B2 gBaB|gB~B2 gfed|(3cBA eA fAeA|(3cBA eA cdef| gB~B2 gBaB|gB~B2 gfed|cdef gece|1 dfec d2ef:|2 dfec dBAG|| P:Different version of 1st part: |:F2AF BFAF|F2AF GFED|~E3F GFED|~E3F GFED| F2AF BFAF|F2AF GFED|(3Bcd ef gece|1 dfec dBAG:|2 dfec d2ef||