Over the Moor to Maggie
A reel in the key of G
Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for Over the Moor to Maggie
Need a tuner?
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for Over the Moor to Maggie
T:Over the Moor to Maggie
D:Oisin: Over the Moor to Maggie.
D:Music at Matt Molloy's.
~G3A BGBd | efge dBAG | EAAG ABAG | EAAG A2DE |
~G3A BGBd | efge dBAG | EG~G2 BGAG |1 EGGF G2DE :|2 EGGF G2ga ||
|: ~b3g ~a3f | gage d2Bd | eaag abag | eaag a2ga |
bg~g2 af~f2 | gage d2Bd | eg~g2 bgag |1 eggf g2ga :|2 eggf g2Bd ||
|: ~e3c d2dB | c2cA B2AG | EAAG ABAG | EAAG ABcd |
~e3c dedB | cA~A2 B2AG | EG~G2 BGAG |1 EGGF G2Bd :|2 EGGF G2DE ||
|: ~G3A BABd | edge dBAG | EA~A2 BGAG | EAAG AcGA |
GFGA BABd | edge dBAG | EG~G2 BGAG |1 EGGF G2DE :|2 EGGF G2ga ||
|: bg~g2 agef | ~g3e d2Bd | ea~a2 bgag | eaag abga |
~b3g abaf | gage dGBd | eg~g2 bgag |1 eggf g2ga :|2 eggf g2Bd ||
|: ~e3c dedB | cA~A2 B2AG | EA~A2 BGAG | EAAG ABcd |
~e3c d2dB | c2cA B2AG | EG~G2 BGAG |1 EGGF G2Bd :|2 EGGF G2DE ||