The Watchmaker

A highland in the key of Ador

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Watchmaker
Also known as John Gaffney's Fling, Niel Gow's Highland, Neil Gow's Second Wife
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Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for The Watchmaker
X:80 T:Watchmaker, The T:John Gaffney's Fling T:Niel Gow's Highland T:Neil Gow's Second Wife R:highland C:Daniel McLaren (Edinburgh, Scotland) or maybe Niel Gow, Scotland (1727-1807) D:Altan: Horse with a Heart D:Patrick Street: Irish Times Z:id:hn-hf-3 M:C| K:Ador
c<AAc B<GGB|c<AAB cded|c<AAc B<GGB|(3cBA BG E<AAB:| c2ec gcec|G2BG dGBG|c2ec gcec|e<aag e<aab| g<eeg f<ddf|ecce dBGB|ABcd e=fed|(3cBA BG E<AAB||
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