Frank Roche's Favourite

A fling in the key of G

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for Frank Roche's Favourite
Originally a Scottish Strathspey, "Lady Ann Hope" or "Miss Hope's Strathspey", composed by John Pringle
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Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for Frank Roche's Favourite
X:78 T:Frank Roche's Favourite R:fling H:Originally a Scottish Strathspey, "Lady Ann Hope" or H:"Miss Hope's Strathspey", composed by John Pringle D:Matt Molloy: Stony Steps Z:id:hn-hf-1 M:C| K:G
G2GB AGE2|cBce dBd<g|1 B2Bd (3cBA (3BAG|(3EFG (3FGA (3GBG (3AFD:| [2 B2Bd (3cBA (3BAG|(3EFG (3FGA G4|| |:dgBg dgBg|(3gab (3agf e2ef|(3gab (3agf (3gfe (3dcB| [1 (3cde (3def (3gdc (3BAG:|2 (3cde (3def (3gdc (3BcA||
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