Shoe the Donkey

A mazurka in the key of G

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for Shoe the Donkey
See also #12, #16. Words from Peter and Ethna Broderick
Need a tuner?
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for Shoe the Donkey
X:776 T:Shoe the Donkey T:Shave the Donkey T:Varsovienne T:Versevanna T:Waltz of Vienna T:Reverse of Vienna R:mazurka H:See also #12, #16. Words from Peter and Ethna Broderick D:Bobby Gardiner: His Master's Choice Z:id:hn-mazurka-8 M:3/4 K:G
DG|B2 B2 DG|B2 B2 DG|B2 c2 B2|A4 DF| A2 A2 DF|A2 A2 DF|A2 B2 A2|1 G4:|2 G3 ABc|| |:d2 g2 f2|A3 GAB|c2 e2 d2|B4 BB| B2 A2 B2|c3B cd|1 e2 d2 G2|B3A Bc:|2 e2 d2 F2|G4|| W:Come to bed love, W:Come to bed love, W:Come to bed love, says he. W:What to do love, W:What to do love, W:What to do love, says she.
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