Kitty's Rambles
A jig in the key of Dmix
Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for Kitty's Rambles
Similar to #246, "Dan the Cobbler" #258
Need a tuner?
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for Kitty's Rambles
T:Kitty's Rambles
H:Similar to #246, "Dan the Cobbler" #258
D:Mary Bergin: Feado/ga Sta/in 2
D:Laurence Nugent: Traditional Irish Music on Flute and Tin-whistle
D:Karen Ryan: The Coast Road
FDD c2A|d^cd e2g|fed cAG|FAF GFE|
FDD c2A|d^cd e2g|fed cAG|1 Ad^c dAG:|2 Ad^c d2A||
|:dfa dfa|dfa afd|ceg ceg|ceg gfe|
~f3 gfg|~a3 efg|fed cAG|1 Ad^c d2A:|2 Ad^c de/f/g||
|:afd d^cd|Adf agf|gec cBc|Gce gfe|
fef gfg|~a3 efg|fed cAG|1 Ad^c de/f/g:|2 Ad^c dAG||
P:Mary Bergin's version
FDD Jc2A|dB/^c/d ezg|g/f/ed cAG|F/G/AF {A}GFE|
{A}FDD Jc2A|dB/^c/d ezg|g/f/ed {^c}BAG|Ad^c d{^c}AG||
FDD Jc2A|dB/^c/d ezg|g/f/ed {a}ed^c|ABG EFG|
FDD EFG|Ad{a}d efg|g/f/ed {^c}BAG|FAd {a}d2z||
|:dfa dza|daf {^c'}afd|ecg ecg|ecg {a}gfe|
[1 ~f3 gzg|~a3 efg|g/f/ed {^c}BAG|Ad^c d2z:|
[2 fdf ~g3|aza efg|g/f/ed {^c}BAG|Ad^c de/f/g||
afd {a}d^cd|Adf {^c'}agf|{a}gec cBc|Gce {a}gfe|
fdf g2z|~a3 efg|g/f/ed {^c}BAG|Ad^c de/f/g||
azd {a}d^cd|Adf {^c'}agf|{a}gec cBc|Gce {a}gfe|
fdf ~g3|aza efg|g/f/ed {^c}BAG|Ad^c d{c}AG||