The Humours of Drinagh
A jig in the key of D
Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Humours of Drinagh
Related to reel #697
Need a tuner?
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for The Humours of Drinagh
T:Humours of Drinagh, The
H:Related to reel #697
D:Stockton's Wing
D:Noel Hill & Tony McMahon: \'I gCnoc na Gra\'i
FDF ABc|dfd ecA|FDF ABc|dAF ~G3|
FDF ABc|dfd ecA|~f3 gec|1 edc dAG:|2 edc d2e||
|:~f3 ~g3|agf gfe|~f3 ~g3|agf g2e|
agf gfe|fed ecA|~f3 gec|1 edc d2e:|2 edc dAG||
P:Version of 1st part:
|:FDF ABc|dfd ecA|FDF AB=c|BAF ~G3|
E~F2 ABc|dfd ecA|~f3 gec|1 edc dAG:|2 edc d2e||