The Road to Clady

A song in the key of Edor

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Abc notation for The Road to Clady
X:2276 T:Road to Clady, The R:song Z:id:hn-song-104 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:3/8=110 K:Edor
P:Verse E | E2B B2d | B3 B3 | A2B A2F | D3- D DD | A2A A2D | A2A G2F | E2F G2A | B3- B EE | E3 G2A | B3 e3 | d2c B2A | d3- d2 F | G2E F2D | (E2F) G2A | B2B A2F | E3- E3 || P:Chorus E2B B2d | B3 B3 | A2B A2F | D3- D3 | A3 A3 | A3 G2F | E2F G2A | B3- B2 B | E2F G2A | B3 e3 | d2c B2A | d3- d3 | GGE F2D | E2F G2A | B3 E3 | E3- E3 || W:I am a country servant, serving in Killane, W:in a place they call New Hamilton, a grand old-fashioned town. W:It was early one morning, at the hour of three, W:when I set off to Clady, the old grey mare and me. W: W:In the corner of the street, a bus I chanced to pass, W:and in the corner of the bus I spied a country lass. W:Says I: "My pretty fair maid, will you come along with me? W:I'm going the road to Clady, the old grey mare and me." W: W:Chorus: W:Cheeks as red as roses, eyes a bonny blue, W:dancing, dancing, pierced me through and through. W:She fairly won my fancy, and stole away me heart, W:jogging along to Clady on the sour milk cart. W: W:Well I asked her up beside me, and on the cart she sat, W:I slipped an arm around her waist, we soon began to chat. W:The birds in the bushes, how sweetly they did sing. W:The blackbirds and the thrushes, how they made the forest ring. W: W:Chorus W: W:Well you've heard of lords and ladies making love in shady bowers, W:and how they woo a while among the roses and the flowers. W:I'll never forget that morning, when Cupid shot his dart, W:jogging along to Clady on the sour milk cart. W: W:Chorus
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