The Banks of the Lee

A song in the key of Ddor

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Banks of the Lee
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Abc notation for The Banks of the Lee
X:2264 T:Banks of the Lee, The R:song Z:id:hn-song-92 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=50 K:Ddor
(E/G/) | A2 AG | AD2 (E/F/) | (G>A) GE | DC2 (A/c/) | (d>e) dc | AG2 E | ED EG | A3 (E/G/) | (A>c) AG | (AD2) (E/F/) | (G>A) GE | DC2 A/c/ | (d>e) dc | AG2 E/E/ | E2 DC | D3 || W:When two lovers meet down beside the green bower W:When two lovers meet down beneath the green tree W:When Mary, fond Mary, declared to her lover W:"You have stolen my poor heart by the banks of the Lee" W: W:Chorus: W:I loved her very dearly, so truly and sincerely W:There was no one in this wide world I loved better than she W:Every bush and every bower, every wild Irish flower W:Reminds me of my Mary, on the banks of the Lee W: W:"Don't stay out too late, love, on the moorlands, my Mary W:Don't stay out too late, love, on the moorlands for me" W:But it's little was my notion, when we parted by the ocean W:That we were forever parted by the banks of the Lee W: W:Chorus W: W:I will pull my love some roses, some wild Irish roses W:I will pull my love some roses, the fairest that ever grew W:And I'll lay them on the grave of my own true lovely Mary W:On that cold and silent churchyard where she sleeps 'neath the dew W: W:Chorus
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