By the River of Gems
A slow air in the key of G
Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for By the River of Gems
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Abc notation for By the River of Gems
T:By the River of Gems
T:Cois Abha na Seid
R:slow air
D:Seamus Ennis: The Best of Irish Piping
D:Davy Spillane: Atlantic Bridge
AB | d4 e>d | {B}c4 B/A/B/d/ | {g}a3f g2- | g3 f>ed |
e2f g>fe | d3 B3/{cB}A/G/B/ | A6 | {BAG}HA4 ||
AB | d4 e>d | {B}c4 B/A/B/d/ | {g}a3f g2- | g3 f>ed |
e3 d3 | B3 {cB}AGB | A4 BA | G6 | {AGF}HG4 ||
d2 | d3 efg | a2f g>ab | a2f g{ag} f{gf} e{fe} | d4 Bd |
e4 f2 | g3 fed | B3 AGB | A6 | {B}HA4 ||
AB | d4 e>d | {B}c4 B/A/B/d/ | {g}a3f g2- | g3 f>ed |
e3 d3 | B3 {cB}AGB | A4 BA | G6 | {AGF}HG4 ||