The Atlantic Roar

A hornpipe in the key of A

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Atlantic Roar
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to loop and slow down sections so you can learn it by ear.
Abc sheet music for Atlantic Roar, The
X:189 T:Atlantic Roar, The R:hornpipe D:Sean Keane: Jig It in Style Z:id:hn-hornpipe-78 M:C| K:A (3EFG|A3B A2fg|afge fdBA|G2GF GFEG|Bc (3BAG AECE| A3B A2fg|afge fdBA|G2GF GFEG|Bc (3BAG A2:| |:(3Bcd|(3efe ^df e=dcd|(3efg ac' bgae|ce^df ec=dc|~B3c BEGB| e3f edcd|(3efg ac' bgae|(3cdc Ac (3BcB GB|A2GB A2:|
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