The Smuggler's Reel
A reel in the key of Edor
Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Smuggler's Reel
A reel version of the march/polka "Old Grey Cat", march#22 A version of the jig "The Boys of Tandernagee", #152
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Abc notation for The Smuggler's Reel
T:Smuggler's Reel, The
T:Old Grey Cat, The
H:A reel version of the march/polka "Old Grey Cat", march#22
H:A version of the jig "The Boys of Tandernagee", #152
D:Mary Custy & Eoin O'Neill (first album)
e2e2 E3F|GFGA BABc|d2d2 D3E|FEFA BABd|
e2e2 E3F|GFGA BABc|dBcA BAFG|~E3D E4:|
|:Beed ~e3f|geaf gfed|Bddc d3B|ABde fagf|
eB~B2 gB~B2|aB~B2 bB~B2|gfed BA (3Bcd|egfd e4:|