The Ivy Leaf

A reel in the key of Emix by BBC recording of Feakle Session 1987: Noel Hill & Tony Linnane

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Ivy Leaf
Usually in Amix, #190 & #194
Need a tuner?
If you find this tune on YouTube you can use
to loop and slow down sections so you can learn it by ear.
Abc sheet music for Ivy Leaf, The
X:1610 T:Ivy Leaf, The R:reel S:BBC recording of Feakle Session 1987: Noel Hill & Tony Linnane H:Usually in Amix, #190 & #194 Z:id:hn-reel-696 M:C| K:Emix ~E3B GEBE|EBGB AFDF|~E3B GEBE|EDB,C DEFD| EB~B2 GB~B2|eB~B2 AFDF|~E3B GEBE|EDB,C DEFA|| Beed BAFA|d2dB ADFA|B2ed BAFE|EDB,C DEFA| Beed BAFA|d2dB AFDF|~E3F =GFGA|(3Bcd ec dBAF||
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