The Mason's Apron

A reel in the key of A

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Mason's Apron
A four-part version, which is often played in sessions. See also #643, #645, #646, #740, #887
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Abc notation for The Mason's Apron
X:1558 T:Mason's Apron, The R:reel H:A four-part version, which is often played in sessions. H:See also #643, #645, #646, #740, #887 Z:id:hn-reel-644 M:C| K:A
eg|:aA~A2 ABAF|EFAB cABc|dB~B2 BcBA|Bcde fefg| aA~A2 ABAF|EFAB cABc|dcde fgaf|1 ecBc A2eg:|2 ecBc A2AB|| |:c2ec fcec|c2ec fcec|d2fd gdfd|d2fd gfed| c2ec fcec|c2ec fedc|dcde fgaf|1 ecBc A2AB:|2 ecBc A2eg|| |:ae~e2 fece|a2ga fece|bf~f2 bfga|b2fb gefg| ae~e2 fece|a2ga fece|~a3e fecA|1 BABc A2eg:|2 BABc A2AB|| |:c2Ac eAce|AceA ceA2|d2Ad fAdf|AdfA dfA2| c2Ac eAce|AceA ceAc|dcde f2af|1 ecBc A2AB:|2 ecBc A2||