The Cuckoo's Nest

A hornpipe in the key of Em

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Cuckoo's Nest
See also #119
Need a tuner?
If you find this tune on YouTube you can use
to loop and slow down sections so you can learn it by ear.
Abc sheet music for Cuckoo's Nest, The
X:149 T:Cuckoo's Nest, The T:Jackie Tar T:Jacky Tar R:hornpipe H:See also #119 Z:id:hn-hornpipe-38 M:C| K:Em |: GA | Beed efge | dBBA ~B3d | ABde faef | d2A2 A2GA | Beed efge | dBGB d2cB | AGFE DEFA | GEED E2 :| |: GA | BGEG BGEG | BAGF E2FG | AFDF AFDF | AGFE D2EF | ~G3E g2fe | dBGB d2cB | AGFE DEFA | GEED E2 :| P:variations |: Bd | e2ed effe | d2B2 B2dB | ABde (3fga ef | fedB A2 (3Bcd | edef g2fe | dBGB d2cB | AGFE DEFA | GEED E2 :| |: GA | BGEG BGEG | BAGF E2FG | AFDF AFDF | AGFE DEFD | GFGE g2fe | dBGB d2cB | AGFE DEFA | G2E2 E2 :|
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