Poll Ha'Penny
A hornpipe in the key of Amix
Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for Poll Ha'Penny
Also known as Paul Halfpenny
The Irish title means "The Garden of Honeysuckles" Other titles/related tunes: "Brian the Brave", "Poll/Moll/Paul Ha'Penny", "Molly MacAlpine", "Molly Halpin". The tune is descended from air#5
Need a tuner?
If you find this tune on YouTube you can use
to loop and slow down sections so you can learn it by ear.Abc sheet music for Poll Ha'Penny
T:Poll Ha'Penny
T:Paul Halfpenny
T:Garra\'i na bhF\'eile\'og
H:The Irish title means "The Garden of Honeysuckles"
H:Other titles/related tunes: "Brian the Brave", "Poll/Moll/Paul Ha'Penny",
H:"Molly MacAlpine", "Molly Halpin".
H:The tune is descended from air#5
D:Mary Bergin: Feadoga Stain
D:Noel Hill agus Tony McMahon: I gCnoc na Grai
(3GAB|=cAAG A2 (3AB=c|(3d=cB (3AGF G2 (3B^cd|ed^cA d^cAG|~A3G A2de|
~f3d ~e3c|d2 (3Bcd efge|aged (3=cBA GB|~A3G A2:|
|:ef|~g3f gfef|g2ga gedg|eaag ~a3g|eaag a2ag|
~f3d ~e3c|d2 (3Bcd efge|aged (3=cBA GB|~A3G A2:|
P:Version 2:
|:AB|=cAAG A2GA|dcAF G2 (3Bcd|edcA dcAG|A2 (3AAA A2ag|
~f3d efec|d2 (3Bcd efge|agfd =cAGE|A2AG A2:|
|:ef|gfga gedB|=cdef gafg|e2a2 abag|e2a2 abag|
~f3d efec|d2 (3Bcd efge|agfd =cAGE|A2AG A2:|