Sergeant Early's Dream

A reel in the key of Ddor

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for Sergeant Early's Dream
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Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for Sergeant Early's Dream
X:1369 T:Sergeant Early's Dream T:Sgt. Early's Dream R:reel Z:id:hn-reel-455 M:C| K:Ddor
cB|ADDE FAcA|GECD ~E3F|DA,DE FEFG|Adde fedc| ADDE FAcA|GECD ~E3F|DA,DE FAcA|GFEF D2:| |:dc|Addc ~d3e|f2ed cAGF|ECEG ~c3d|ecdc AcGc| Addc ~d3e|f2ed cAGc|AE~E2 cE~E2|CDEC D2:| P:variations |:dc|AD (3FED FAcA|GECD EFGE|DA,~A,2 DEFG|Ad~d2 fedc| AD (3FED FAcA|GECD EGFE|DCDE FAcA|GFEF D2:| |:dc|Addc ~d3e|f2ed cAGF|~E3G cBcd|ecdB cdBc| Addc ~d3e|fded cAGc|AEGE cAGE|CE~E2 D2:|
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