Come West Along the Road

A reel in the key of G by Session

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for Come West Along the Road
See also #432, in A. This version is also played in A. 1st part similar to "Over the Moor to Peggy", #710
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to loop and slow down sections so you can learn it by ear.
Abc sheet music for Come West Along the Road
X:1336 T:Come West Along the Road R:reel S:Session H:See also #432, in A. This version is also played in A. H:1st part similar to "Over the Moor to Peggy", #710 D:Arcady: Many Happy Returns D:Noel Hill & Tony McMahon: \'I gCnoc na Gra\'i Z:id:hn-reel-422 M:C| K:G d2BG dGBG|~G2Bd efge|d2BG dGBG|1 ABcd edBc:|2 ABcd edBd|| |:g2bg egdg|(3efg dg edBd|1 g2bg egdB|ABcd edBd:|2 gabg efge|dega bage||