Bear Island Reel

A reel in the key of Edor by Session

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for Bear Island Reel
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Abc sheet music for Bear Island Reel
X:1326 T:Bear Island Reel T:R\'il Bheara R:reel C:Finbarr Dwyer (1946-2014) S:Session Z:id:hn-reel-412 M:C| K:Edor EB^GB A^GEc|dBcA Beec|d2fd AFDF|GEFD EDB,A,| B,EEF GFGA|BdAd (3Bcd ef|g2fg efge|1 dBAF E2ED:|2 dBAF E4|| |:Be~e2 gefd|(3Bcd AG FDD2|Be~e2 gefd|(3efe df e2ef| edBc dBed|BcdB AFDF|GB~B2 AGFA|1 GEFD E4:|2 GEFD E2ED|| P:variations |:EB^GB A^GEe|dBcA Beec|d2cd AGFA|GEED EDB,D| EDEF GFGA|BdGd (3Bcd ef|g2fg efge|1 dBAF E2ED:|2 dBAF E4|| |:Be~e2 gefd|(3Bcd AG FDD2|Be~e2 gefd|efdf edef| edBc dBed|BcdB AFDE|FB~B2 AGFA|1 GEFD E4:|2 GEFD E2ED||
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