The Peacock's Feather
A hornpipe in the key of D
Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Peacock's Feather
Descended from the Scottish strathspey "The Glasgow Highlanders"
Need a tuner?
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for The Peacock's Feather
T:Peacock's Feather, The
H:Descended from the Scottish strathspey "The Glasgow Highlanders"
D:Frankie Gavin & Alec Finn
D:M\'aire N\i Chathasaigh and Chris Newman: The Living Wood
AG|FE (3FED A2AB|de (3fed B2ef|(3gfe fd ecdB|AGFD E2AG|
FE (3FED A2AB|defd B2ef|(3gfe fd ecdB|Adfe d2:|
|:fg|(3agf ge fdec|defd B2ef|(3gfe fd ecdB|AGFD E2AG|
FE (3FED A2AB|defd B2ef|(3gfe fd ecdB|Adfe d2:|