John Stenson's #1
A reel in the key of Bm
Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for John Stenson's #1
Belongs to the "Highlander Kissed His Granny" family. Other related tunes are "The Gravel Walks" #60 "The Jolly Seven" #559, "The Highlandman That Kissed His Granny" #567, "The Highlandman" highland#10 Also played with parts in opposite order.
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to loop and slow down sections so you can learn it by ear.Abc notation for John Stenson's #1
T:John Stenson's #1
H:Belongs to the "Highlander Kissed His Granny" family.
H:Other related tunes are "The Gravel Walks" #60
H:"The Jolly Seven" #559, "The Highlandman That Kissed His Granny" #567,
H:"The Highlandman" highland#10
H:Also played with parts in opposite order.
D:Kevin Burke: If the Cap Fits
fBBA Bcde|fBBA ~d3e|fBBA Bcde|1 faaf e2de:|2 fdaf eABc||
d2fd adfd|abaf edBc|d2fd adfd|1 abaf ~e3f:|2 abaf ~e3g||
|:fBBA Bcde|fBBA ~d3e|fBBA Bcde|1 fdaf e2de:|2 fdaf eABc||
d2fd adfd|abaf edBc|d2fd adfd|1 abaf eABc:|2 abaf e2de||