The Wheels of the World

A reel in the key of Dmix

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Wheels of the World
See also #311
Need a tuner?
If you find this tune on YouTube you can use
to loop and slow down sections so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for The Wheels of the World
X:1305 T:Wheels of the World, The R:reel H:See also #311 Z:id:hn-reel-391 M:C| K:Dmix
ADFD FAGF|EC~C2 G,CEG|AD (3FED Acde|=fedc Addc| ADFD FAGF|EC~C2 G,CEG|AddB cBAG|EDCE EDDB:| |:~c3e gecA|d2ad bdad|c3d edcd|ea~a2 edAB| ~c3e gecA|d2ad bdad|abaf efge|(3fga ge d2AB:| P:Variations: |:AD~D2 FAGF|EC~C2 EFGB|AD~D2 ABde|=f2fd edcd| AD~D2 FAGF|EC~C2 EFGB|A2dB cBAG|EDCD ED~D2:| |:cBce gece|d2fd adfd|cBcd edcd|eaag edde| ~c3e gece|d2fd adfd|abaf ge~e2|fage d3B:|
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