The Cows Are a-Milking
A reel in the key of G by Session in Miltown Malbay 1991
Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Cows Are a-Milking
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Abc notation for The Cows Are a-Milking
T:Cows Are a-Milking, The
T:Mistress, The
T:Woman of the House, The
T:Lady of the House, The
S:Session in Miltown Malbay 1991
D:Mary Bergin: Feadoga Stain 2
GABG cABA | GBdg egdB | GABG A2Bd | eA~A2 eABA |
GABG cABA | GBdg (3ege dB | GABG A2GA | BGdc BGG2 :|
|: gfeg fed2 | efge dcBA | GABG A2Bd | eA~A2 eABA |
gfeg fed2 | (3efg fe dcBA | ~G3B ~A3c | BGdc BGG2 :|
|: DGBG c2BA | GBdg (3ege dB | GABG A2 (3Bcd | eA~A2 eA~A2 |
GABG c2BA | GBdg egdB | GABG A2GA | BGdc BGG2 :|
|: gfeg fedf | efge dcBA | GABG A2 (3Bcd | eA~A2 eA~A2 |
gfeg fedf | efge dcBA | GABG A2GA | BGdc BGG2 :|
|: GB~B2 c2BA | GBdB e2dB | ~G3B cBcd | eA~A2 eABA |
~G3B cABA | GBdg eBdB | GABG ABGA | BGdc BGG2 :|
|: ~g3e f2df | efge dcBA | ~G3B A2Bd | eA~A2 eABA |
~g3e f2df | efge dcBA | ~G3B ABGA | BGdc BGG2 :|