Devanny's Goat

A reel in the key of D

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for Devanny's Goat
Need a tuner?
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for Devanny's Goat
X:1187 T:Devanny's Goat R:reel C:Tommy Whelan D:Frankie Gavin: Croch suas E D:Shaskeen: 25th Silver Jubilee Collection Z:id:hn-reel-273 M:C| K:D
DFAB AFAB | defe dBAF | DFAF BFAF | E2DF EFGB | A2AB AFAB | defe dBAf | efdB AF~F2 | AFEA FD~D2 :| |: faa^g afdf | a2fd edBd | ABde fd~d2 | e2fd edBd | ABde fd~d2 | gefd edBd | A2dB AF~F2 | AFEA FD~D2 :| P:variations DF~F2 AFAB | d2fe dBAF | DF~F2 (3Bcd AF | EFDF ~E3F | DF~F2 ~A3B | d2fe dBaf | efdB AFDF | AFEA FAD2 | DF~F2 AFAB | d2fe dBAF | DF~F2 (3Bcd AF | ~E3D EGFE | DFAB ~A3B | d2fe dBaf | efdB AFDF | AFEG FD~D2 || fa~a2 afdf | afdf edBF | ABde ~f3d | edfd eB~B2 | ABde ~f3a | gefd edBA | ~A2dB AFDF | AFEA FAD2 | faab afdf | adfd efdB | ABde fddf | gefd efdB | ABde fd~d2 | edfd edBd | ~A2dB AFDF | AFEG FD~D2 :|
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