The Twelve Pins

A reel in the key of G

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Twelve Pins
Need a tuner?
If you find this tune on YouTube you can use
to loop and slow down sections so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for The Twelve Pins
X:1022 T:Twelve Pins, The R:reel C:Charlie Lennon Z:id:hn-reel-108 M:C| K:G
dB~B2 dBGB | dA~A2 dAFA | DEFG ABcA | defg afge | dB~B2 dBGB | dA~A2 dAFA | DEFG ABcA | d2Bd AGG2 :| ~f3e defg | a2ge cAAB | ~c3B c2AB | cedB cAG2 | ~f3e defg | afge cAAB | c2cB c2AB | c2dc AGG2 | ~f3e defg | a2ge cAAB | c2AB cdef | abag edd2 | ~f3g ~a3g | f2fe dB~B2 | c2cB cBAB | c2dc AGG2 || P:variations |: dB~B2 dBGB | dA~A2 dAFA | DEFG ABcA | dfab afge | dB~B2 dBGB | dA~A2 dAFA | DEFG ABcA | d2cd AGG2 :| ~f3e defg | adfd cAAB | ~c3B c2AB | cedB cAA2 | ~f3e defg | adfd cAAB | c2cB cBAB | cedc AGG2 | ~f3e defg | adfd cAAB | c2AB cdeg | abag fdde | ~f3g ~a3g | ~f3e dcAB | c2cB c2AB | cAdc AGG2 ||
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