Corney is Coming
A reel in the key of D
Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for Corney is Coming
Need a tuner?
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for Corney is Coming
T:Corney is Coming
Addc defd | =cABG EFGE | Addc defg | afge fdec |
Addc defd | =cABG EFGE | Addc defg |1 afge fdd2 :|2 afge fddc ||
|: defg afdB | =cdef ge^ce | defg afdf | geag fddf |
afdf ~a3f | gece g2ge | defg a2af |1 geag eddA :|2 geag edd2 ||variations
|: Addc defd | =cABG EFGE | Addc defg | afge fdec |
Addc defd | =cABG EFGE | Addc defd |1 gecd edd2 :|2 gecd eddA ||
|: dcdf afdB | =cdef ge^ce | dcdf ~a3f | g2ag fddf |
afdf afdf | gece gece | defg ~a3f |1 g2ag fddA :|2 g2ag fdd2 ||